Saturday, March 28, 2020

What Are Chemical Sensitivities?

What Are Chemical Sensitivities?A Chemical Sensitive Person (ACS) is a person that has an allergy to any chemical, or component of a chemical, and can not tolerate it. Many chemical based compounds contain allergens that cause skin reactions when exposed to them.They are allergic to chemical compounds in allopathic medicines, vitamins, medications and even food. Some even suffer allergic reactions to food supplements such as soy protein or peanut protein.Many allergens can be identified by a patch test, which is by allergen exposure to a small patch of skin on the body and identification of the allergen by a chemical testing kit. Patch tests are effective but have limited accuracy. With the increase in the number of food allergies, the use of allergens to diagnose the condition has become necessary.Antibodies against a specific antigen is an indication of chemical sensitivities. These antibodies can be tested by a hypersensitivity IgE blood test. These tests are often done at the sam e time as the immunotherapy.With medical terminology is evolving, a few terms that are used are changing. At the present time 'allergic' is used instead of 'allergic hypersensitivity'. In the future 'chemical sensitivities' might replace the term 'allergic' or it might become part of a new term.Chemicals that cause chemical sensitivities can be identified by a patch test. Sometimes a mild topical or oral medication is recommended to avoid or reduce the effects of the symptoms. Allergic drugs can cause some side effects. As there is no real cure for chemical sensitivities, the best way to deal with them is to avoid them, and the best way to do this is to avoid chemicals.Pharmaceutical companies have developed many medicines to try and combat chemical sensitivities. However, in most cases, once the medicine is stopped, the symptoms subside, so more doctors are prescribing antihistamines, steroids and other medications to try and keep the symptoms under control.

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